Bageshwar Dham Contact number | Bageshwar dham toll free number

Are you also Bageshwar Dham Contact Number? Want Bageshwar Dham mobile number, these days on our website the devotees of Bageshwar Dham sarkar keep asking questions in the comments regarding what is the mobile number of Bageshwar Dham, today in this post we will share Bageshwar Dham Chhatarpur Contact Number with you people. We are going to do this, we will share with you not one but two mobile numbers through which you can call Bageshwar Dham sarkar, get solutions to your queries, and get more information about the Dham.


Contact number of Bageshwar Dham – +917055005553 / +917055005554

Village – Gadha, Post – Ganj, District – Chhatarpurग्राम – गढ़ा, पोस्ट – गंज, जिला – छतरपुर

Madhya Pradesh, Pin – 471105



    How to get token in Bageshwar Dham?

    Tokens are distributed from time to time in Bageshwar Dham. For this you will have to contact Bageshwar Dham Committee. A date is fixed for this and all the devotees coming to Bageshwar before the date are informed that tokens will be inserted on this date. For this, a box is kept in the premises, in which you must write your name, father’s name, name of your village, district, state along with PIN code and also write your mobile number. After inserting the token, Bageshwar Dham Committee contacts the person whose number appears through the mobile number, and he is given the token. In this token you get a date and on that day itself you must attend the darbr of Bageshwar Balaji Maharaj

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